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Atomic Habits

Attomic Habits Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results | Book by James Clear

James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” is a concise guide on forming positive habits and breaking bad ones. It talks about the transformative power of small, consistent changes, offering practical strategies for lasting transformation.

This Book Has Been A Helping Hand

Review by: Joel Lovely

Who should read this book ?

Readers with the challenge of understanding why certain tasks appear more appealing than others, this book serves as a beacon of different physiological tools. James Clear explores the profound realm of “Habit Formation,” unraveling key concepts such as Growing Mindset, Outcome & Process Change, and Cue-Craving-Reward. The author also introduces practical ideas, including the renowned 2-Minute Rule, along with insightful discussions on Implementation Instruction and More. All of these I believe will help you become very adapt to tranform whatever journey you wish to embark on!


I read this book for the primary reason of gaining another perspective on pyschological tools to put myself in oppurtunites to help make right choices. To be quite honest, I hadn’t had much motivation to finish it since I’ve read books similar to this and now very excited to move onto new genre of books!


This book was great but the same, don’t get me wrong, if you’re struggling any of the motivational books that I have read can easily give you the keys to figure out how to break out of a what seems to be endless cycle. But this books isn’t special I’ve went on to read numerous books in this field and there are well said and quite verbose in the language but they become repetitive.


For readers who are searching for the why, they ever so need to help them start the jouney on becoming a better individual!