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Elon Musk

Elon Musk: Telsa, SpaceX and The Quest For A Fantastic Future | Book by Ashlee Vance

Ashlee Vance is an American author and journalist known for his tech and business reporting. He gained fame with his biography of Elon Musk, showcasing a talent for combining in-depth research with engaging storytelling.

There’s Levels To this SH**

Review By: Joel Lovely

Who should read this book ?

Readers intrigued by an intimate exploration of Elon Musk’s history, as well as those captivated by the transformation of passion into obsession and the associated lifestyle’s merits and drawbacks. Lastly, for those fascinated by the extravagant life led by Elon Musk.


Elon Musk is undoubtedly a central figure in contemporary entrepreneurship, often portrayed as a modern day “Steve Jobs” and known for his cunning personality. With a following on social media of devoted fans, the question arises: who is he really? I set out to uncover the answer.


This book was truly inspirational and had helped find new meaning in my own personal life!

Firstly, this book has provided insight into a question I’ve contemplated during heated discussions with my conscience regarding the justification of our actions towards the ecosystem. Is it necessary? Is it justifiable? With our overwhelming numbers and the extensive consumption that has impacted the world, have we let planet Earth down?

While this question is an ethical question, and the answer is subjective to the individual. I’ve examined this from both perspectives, witnessing both the beauty and the horrors of mankind. With our consumption of planetary nutrients at an ungodly level, one out of three human beings in the United States is now overweight, a figure that appears to be steadily increasing not only in the United States but worldwide. We justify nutrient choices with the naked eye of torture. In return, most humans find themselves helplessly in a state of instinctual indulgence. I believe society has created animals much like the relationship between a sheep and a shepherd. Once again, I observe businesses repeatedly seeking to exploit human nature. This is when I began to perceive corruption and certain people in power in a negative light. Some of the greatest inventions of the modern century have been designed to manipulate the minds of unconsciously thinking individuals, using technology as a helping hand.

Elon Musk has consistently demonstrated his vision for society. With the success of his venture capital endeavors, his companies Tesla, SolarCity, Paypal, Zip2, and SpaceX have transformed the world. One of the most inspiring aspects I see about him is that he accomplishes all this with a belief that humankind is significant and worth it. His goal of making us a multi-planetary species may soon become a reality. Evidently, I foresee probable success and appreciate the type of effort that certain individuals put into shaping the way we perceive ourselves. This gives me the confidence to say that I am only human but with the underlying implication that we constantly have something to prove!

Lastly, the book provides a summary of Elon Musk’s childhood, offering insights into his family tree and his dream of exploration inspired by his grandfather Joshua H. Haldeman. The narration delves into the repercussions of bullying and the challenges posed by a paternal figure who had subjected the family to abuse. Elon Musk did not experience a life of luxury by any means but displayed a fighting spirit and an unwavering positive mindset. His venture capital success did not come easily; it faced constant scrutiny and endured challenging times during financial crises. However, what defines him is his relentless passion. Time and time again, the book showcases Musk’s enduring commitment and determination.


There are levels to this SH**, not just because of a glamorous lifestyle and associated perks, but because there are different levels to understanding how to navigate and live your life!