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Can’t Hurt Me

Can’t Hurt Me Master Your Mind And Win The Odds Inside | Book by David Goggins

Written by David Goggins, an American runner who has completed over 60 ultra marathons and is a former Navy SEAL and wildland firefighter, this book showcases his deep understanding of perseverance. David Goggins takes pride in his knowledge of enduring challenges and pushing through adversity.

This Book Is Human

Who should read this book ?

For reader who want to unleash thier inner strength with a motivational book that resonates with those who’ve faced life’s unpredictable twists and turns. Dive into the story of David Goggins, a true embodiment of determination and grit, who serves as a macho-man role model for those carrying their own baggage. Discover how Goggins’ commitment to personal growth and strength can be your guiding light on the path to self-improvement.”…. same as his other book Never Finished


I was drawn to delve into this book with a particular spark, captivated by the promise of exploring the Goggin’s journey, especially with the challenges he confronted during his childhood which resonates deeply with my own experiences. Yet, what truly fuels my enthusiasm for David Goggins’ books extends beyond mere identification; it’s the compelling account of his unwavering perseverance, and his relentless pursuit of strength to overcome obstacles.


In the pages of this book, I found a depper understanding of David Goggins’ childhood, peeling back the layers of his complex relationship with his abusive father. While some of the things repeated from his other book Never Finished. Some new details revealing his strugges from his father Trunnis Goggins. What struck me most was David Goggins’ bravery against his father’s cruelty, a thread of spirit weaving through his entire life story. After setbacks, his relentless determination to confront and conquer weaknesses became a guiding light. The narrative skillfully, shining a spotlight on our comfortable modern existence—a world, as Goggins posits, where abundance and comfort may sow the seeds of vulnerability.


For those who have faced challenges in initiating and maintaining positive habits and seek inspiration from a role model. – Same as Never Finished