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Never Finished

Never Finished Unshackle Your Mind And Win The War Within | Book by David Goggins

Written by David Goggins, an American runner who has completed over 60 ultra marathons and is a former Navy SEAL and wildland firefighter, this book showcases his deep understanding of perseverance. David Goggins takes pride in his knowledge of enduring challenges and pushing through adversity.

This Book Is For The Gritty

Review by: Joel Lovely

Who should read this book ?

For reader who want to unleash thier inner strength with a motivational book that resonates with those who’ve faced life’s unpredictable twists and turns. Dive into the story of David Goggins, a true embodiment of determination and grit, who serves as a macho-man role model for those carrying their own baggage. Discover how Goggins’ commitment to personal growth and strength can be your guiding light on the path to self-improvement.”


I became interested in the author David Goggins after my friend Avinash Kesari introduced me to him, describing Goggins as the epitome of male toughness. Avinash often spoke of Goggins in almost superhuman terms. This resonated with me as I was facing challenging circumstances. I had neglected my fitness, overate, and my motivation had hit an all-time low. At that point in my life, I had struggled to maintain consistent commitment to any specific goal, and I felt like a failure. It was during this time that I stumbled upon a three-hour podcast from “The Joe Rogan Experience” featuring David Goggins. Listening to his insights on mental toughness and motivation was a transformative experience. Goggins quickly became a significant role model in my life, helping me recognize the profound beauty of life. I am immensely grateful for the inspiration his words have provided me.


This book does not aim to offer consolation for one’s current emotional state. In its introductory chapter, the author delves into an experiment conducted by Dr. Curt Richter, who sought to investigate the fight-or-flight response in rats. Richter placed these rodents in a glass cylinder, measuring thirty inches in depth, and filled it with water to closely observe their reactions to this formidable challenge. David Goggins, the author, elucidates that within a mere two minutes, the rats relinquished their struggle, effectively sealing their fate. However, Richter’s experiment took an intriguing turn when he removed the rats from the water, allowing their heart rates to return to normal, and then repeated the experiment. In this instance, the rats displayed markedly increased endurance, persisting in the thirty-inch-deep cylinder for a significantly extended duration. Goggins proceeds to draw a parallel between this experiment and life itself, emphasizing the notion that life frequently confronts us with arduous circumstances. He contends that our ability to triumph in the face of adversity hinges upon our capacity to find comfort in discomfort. This recurring theme throughout the book’s central message.


For those who have faced challenges in initiating and maintaining positive habits and seek inspiration from a role model.