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The Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

The Hitch-hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy | Book by Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams, born in 1952, is celebrated for his unparalleled blend of science fiction and humor. His work, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” showcases his remarkable ability to craft captivating narratives that defy conventional boundaries.

I’m engineered to ask the question:
“what is the meaning of life?”

Review By: Joel Lovely

Who should read this book ?

I feel like everyone has, at some point, asked the question ‘What is the meaning of life?’ and found an apparent answer in some form of religious context. However, as they age, they may feel a disconnect between the wonders of curiosity does everything in a religous context makes sense?

I believe readers who are encouraged to think differently should read this book.


I had been mentioned this book numerous times by people who are in the field of computer science, and after listening to a bunch of podcasts, this book seems to be brought up a lot. In fact, this book was famous back in the 2000s, having a radio show and selling over 14 million copies internationally. So it seemed like the perfect choice to cultivate my curiosity.



The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Arthur Dent, a man who lives a simple life in his yellow blokish little home is abruptly disrupted when he learns that his planet, Earth, is scheduled for demolition to make way for a hyperspace expressway. In comes, Ford Prefect, not a human but a researcher for the the book “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” who saves rushes to save aruthur since he’d know about the peril for quite sometime now.

With Earth destroyed now, Arthur and Ford find themselves adrift in the vast expanse of space, clinging to the company of the President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox. Together, they embark on a wild journey aboard the iconic starship known as the Heart of Gold. Powered by the “Improbability Drive,” this vessel defies the laws of physics as it zips through the fabric of space and time.

A quest to unravel the mystery of the lost planet Magrathea, a legendary world renowned for its unique craftsmanship: the creation of entire planets for the wealthiest of clients.

As their Journey unfolds on Magrathea itself is where the true revelations await. Here, they uncover startling truths about Earth’s origins.

Higher dimensional entities that created a supercomputer called Deep Thought was tasked with uncovering the Ultimate Answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything and eventually answers: 42. By luck of charm through discovery it was found that Earth was the answer to the ultimate question which was lost with the destruction of the planet.


I wonder this question all the time “What is the meaning of life?”.

While yes, religon has very good philosophy but the very question gives importance. Religon can sparks wars, create sentiment, and I’ve seen in my own life contentment. I’ve existed and therefore I have meaning we all have meaning. I find it imperative that we live as a collective society not discriminatory on religon, race, and status.

I’ve throughly enjoyed this book because It speaks how complex we are.